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Proteqt Children's Foundation Uganda child sponsorship Uganda Education

Christ the King school - Kaliziso- Uganda

Dr Veronica with some of the 
                    girls at Christ the Kings school in Kalisizo<

Christ the King school is located in Kalisizo.

Kalisizo is a town in southern Central Uganda. It is the leading commercial center in Rakai District

PCF sponsors these children at Christ the King School

Jovia Nango.

Student at the Christ the Kings school in Kalisizo

Student at the Christ the Kings school in Kalisizo


Patricia Namugenyi.


Teddy Nayiga.

Student at the Christ the Kings school in Kalisizo
Mary Namuddu was one of the PCF sponsored students at the Mbuye Farm School but is now at Christ The King.

Visit the other schools in the PCF Educational Sponsorship Programme.

Dr Veronica with some of the girls at Christ the Kings school in Kalisizo
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