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Children's Foundation>>help us
ProtEQt Children's Foundation (PCF) - Help
How you can help:
- Become a regular sponsor
- Make an occasional or one-off financial contribution
- Volunteer your time and/or skills
- Participate in one of our fundraising activities
- Get your children involved
- Share this link on your Facebook page
Send your ideas and comments to:
Email: proteqt.cf@gmail.com
What's in it for you?
Nothing except the satisfaction of knowing that
you are making a huge difference in one child's life. You will lreceive
regular updates on the students and the activities of the Foundation.
"Let's revolutionize
our way of thinking"
We can't stand by while
humanity is sinking
Do something worth doing
no matter how small
Because there's nothing
worse than doing nothing at all"
-Camille Evelyn