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ProtEQt Children's Foundation (PCF)- Dr
Veronica Evelyn
Veronica C. Evelyn Ph.D; M.Phil;
Cert. Social Work; Cert. Addiction Studies.
Dr. Veronica Evelyn is a Consultant Sociologist. She is owner
and Director of Proteqt Inc., a Caribbean regional consulting
firm which undertakes developmental research in the areas
of Education, Public Health and Social Services.
She has a special interest in HIV/AIDS, a field
in which she has worked as Behaviour Change Communication Specialist
in the ILO/USDoL National HIV/AIDS Workplace Education Program.
In her early career, Dr. Evelyn worked with children
and adolescents both as a social worker in the Family Services Section
of the Welfare Department (Barbados) and as a school guidance counsellor.
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Gay Threat /The Barbados Today - News you
can trust?
On November 9th, 2016, 'The Barbados Today' published an inaccurate
report of my contribution to a panel discussion held the previous
evening. The response from readers was swift and vicious. To set
the record straight, here are the facts:
It is important to note that neither the Moderator, other panelists,
nor persons in the audience understood me to be "blaming gays
for the island’s declining population" as reported in
the article. This (mis)understanding was unique to the reporter.
• The subject under discussion was “Contemporary Threats
to the Family”. There were 4 panellists, each focusing on
a different area and fielding questions according to their professional
background. My presentation addressed sex education in primary and
• I was responding to a question about the ’fallout’
of sexual rights issues for Small Island Developing States. I answered
by referring to two realities of present day Barbados. 1) The declining
population. 2) The shrinking productive sector.
• With reference to (1), I pointed out that a homosexual union
cannot reproduce another human being and so cannot contribute to
population growth. I did not say (nor am I of the opinion) that
the homosexual lifestyle is responsible for retarding population
• With reference to (2) I explained that universally there
is a relatively high rate of mental illness and suicide among the
homosexual population as compared with the general population. This
impacts negatively on the labour force through lowered productivity
on the job, absenteeism or premature withdrawal from the workforce.
It is important to note that my concern with workplace productivity
is longstanding and has most often been with reference to chronic
non-communicable diseases in the general population, not mental
illness among homosexuals.
• The statistics I used regarding the population replacement
rate are standard tenets of population demographics. They are not
my personal opinion.
Newspapers, magazines and popular media do not provide a firm foundation
for forming opinions on significant issues. When seeking or responding
to information about serious national, regional or international
issues, it is always best to go to the original source or to a well-respected,
credible website.
Veronica C. Evelyn Ph.D.; M.Phil.; Cert. Social Work; Cert. Addiction
Studies; MSCEIT™ Certified.
Proteqt Inc. Behaviour change. Better living. (John 10:10)
“And they said: Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened
their hands for this good work. “ (Neh. 2:14)
For further information on PCF email us or contact:
Dr. Veronica C. Evelyn
Director, Proteqt Inc.
24 Millars’s Development
Risk Road
St. James, Barbados
Company No. 34409
Tel: +1(246) 428-7618