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St. Mary's Primary School - Christmas 2007

St Mary's Primary School

These precious children from St Mary's Primary School were delighted to be part of the Make Jesus Smile Christmas shoe box project.

Click on picures to enlarge.


St Mary's Primary School St Mary's Primary School St Mary's Primary School
St Mary's Primary School Seen here the head girl, information on the school to be added.
St Mary's Primary School
St Mary's Primary School
St Mary's Primary School


During an interview with the Barbados Advocate newspaper Jenny Tryhane, founder of United Caribbean Trust stated "When we go in with the shoeboxes it offers an opportunity to photograph and document children. Of course, it is an opportunity for children in Barbados to share, give and experience the true reason for Christmas."” She added, "the long term objective is the child sponsorship program which is US$30 a month. The thirty dollars is subdivided into education, family empowerment, and after school club", Jenny explained.


ST MARY'S IMPRESSIVE NETBALL championship win could benefit the school in many ways.

Compliments of the Barbados Nation News

Date June 27, 2007 by ANMARIE BAILEY

ST MARY'S IMPRESSIVE NETBALL championship win could benefit the school in many ways.

Physical education (PE) teacher, and coach of the team Calvin Briggs stressed the significance of this achievement.

"We have now won a major championship and I hope this will boost the morale of the children and improve the profile of the school

"St Mary's has always been a school that was looked down upon. Sometimes the only way we are mentioned is when there is a problem with the sewage plant. For some parents it's a last resort. I hope this will make people take notice and realise that there is lots of potential in the school." < Read more >
Compliments of the Barbados Nation News
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