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seed international>>semence benie>>container arrives in haiti
Container arrives in Haiti
Thanks to the people and Government
of Barbados, an exceptionally generous donation was given
to Holy Seed International to facilitate our mission in Haiti.
This gift of a 40ft. container, arrived in Haiti in January
2013, was filled with building materials, various kinds of
equipment and supplies to establish self-sustainable income-generating
programmes for the impoverished children of Haiti. |
It took us over a year to coordinate
this venture, which was a collaborative effort with United
Caribbean Trust and The Living Room, a ministry covered
by DOVE International, also recipients of a 40ft. container
from the Haiti Relief fund.
Seen here Jenny Tryhane, founder
of UCT and Phil Edwards from The Living Room. |

Our container reached
its destination not without event, having survived 5 flat
tyres on the journey from Port au Prince to our new location
in Les Cayes! Some of the snapshots seen here signal the victory
that Semence Benie would have in overcoming various obstacles
along the way. |
Repairing flat
tyres in Haiti looks a lot different to what we are use to.
And can take a very long time! |
Our trials and
tests, however, proved to be our greatest stepping stones
to realizing our God-given mandate and mission. |
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