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Semence Benie (Holy Seed)
Semence Benie (Holy Seed) is
a registered non-profit organization in Haiti, committed to
transforming individuals and communities through the practical
demonstration of our shared faith, hope and love in action. |
The organization serves the poor and marginalized,
primarily children in need whom have been orphaned or abandoned.
We established Arc en Ciel and lend support to Emmanuel, two orphanages
in two locations in Haiti: Arc
en Ciel and Emmanuel.
In both we seek to nurture our children in “home of love”
where each child feels at home in the home.
We believe that each child
is a Holy Seed, filled with promise, purpose, and potential.
Our task is to gently hold the hands, hearts and spirit of
our children, leading them, one by one, to take their rightful
place in society as God’s chosen vessels. |