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Shoebox distribution

Make Jesus Smile

Children involved in the project

Barbados Make Jesus Smile

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Christmas 2006

Seen here Half Moon Primary School children in Barbados with their boxes packed ready for shipping to Haiti.

United Caribbean Trust is seeking to establish a Caribbean equivalent to Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child.

Seen here Half Moon Primary School children in Barbados with their boxes packed ready for shipping to Haiti.

Samaritan’s Purse is a wonderful International Christian relief and development agency, working in over 100 countries worldwide .One of its best known project is Operation Christmas Child. It has grown to where over seven million needy children received gift-filled shoe boxes last Christmas.

United Caribbean Trust has a deep desire to be an expression of the love of Christ on earth, bringing hope to children in Africa, Haiti and Dominica responding to meet the holistic needs of the child – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Right - St Lucy Secondary senior children in Barbados packing shoe boxes for Haiti.

Special thanks to St Silus school (below) for their wonderful efforts - they where the first school to be ready!

Right - St Lucy Secondary senior children in Barbados packing shoe boxes for Haiti.
Special thanks to St Silus school (below) for their wonderful efforts - they where the first school to be ready!.

We want Make Jesus Smile to be much more than a shoe box ministry, receiving this gift means so much to the African and Caribbean child or orphan. Just knowing that someone, from within the Caribbean, whom they will probable never meet, cared. Your efforts will bring joy, hope and a little of God’s love into a desperately poor situation, remembering the true meaning of Christmas – so...

Make Jesus Smile this Christmas.

United Caribbean Trust working last Christmas with Ramona Eastmond of Restoration Ministries International and Mr. Chalabanda of the Ministry of Gender, Child Welfare and Community services in Malawi assisted with Christmas parties and gift distribution.

Christmas in Malawi 2005, CLICK

This year we want to help again but shipping Christmas gifts to Africa is very expensive, so instead of sending a gift we are seeking donations.

This is part of UCT Africa Appeal programme

We are trusting that there will be enough funds to show the Jesus Film in Chechewa as an outreach to the children of Africa.

We also desire to work with Pastor Lafleur in association with Restoration Ministries Antigua, we are appealing to the churches and schools within Barbados to help us 'Help Haiti' this Christmas and Make Jesus Smile.

We need 500 Christmas gifts for Haiti, UCT is seeking to send our Haiti representative Robertha Alleyne to Haiti with Pastor Lafleur this Christmas to assist with the distribution and establish the Sponsor Programme.

United Caribbean Trust is looking to establish contacts within Dominica by introducing the Make Jesus Smile Christmas 2006 programme into the Carib Territory this Christmas. Please work with us to see this dream become a reality.

Taking part is so easy -

Simply filling a shoe box with a range of small items suitable for a child of your chosen gender and age range, you can send a ‘box of hope’ to Haiti in the north or Suriname in the south.

CLICK to see what to put in your shoe box

CLICK to learn how to pack your shoe box

Our relationship with trusted in-country partners in Africa, Dominica and Haiti ensures that each box is delivered to a needy child.

This will be photo documented and showcased on this website.

It is our goal to send 500 boxes to Haiti and 150 to Dominica, donations to Africa any remaining boxes will be distributed throughout Barbados.

Thanks to the schools of Barbados that got involved

Contact us if you want to get involved in the Easter project



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