The EMMEDUE® structure brilliantly
performs both insulation and load-bearing functions: the
thickness and density of the panel can be customized depending
on the specific thermal insulation required.
Below are some of the advantages
to this system.
Earthquake resistant:
Laboratory tests carried out showed that
the structure withstands, with no damages, strains greater
than those calculated for a First Class Earthquake, that
is the maximum provided for by the Italian Earthquake regulation.
Fire resistance:
The quality of the foam polystyrene used is
of the self-extinguishing type; moreover, the two concrete
layers which coat the panel sides prevent its combustion.


Cyclone resistance:
Buildings realized with the EMMEDUEŽ system
in areas with high risk of cyclones have proved, throughout
the years, their capacity to withstand the passing of the
most destroying cyclones, thus confirming the high resistance
of the EMMEDUEŽ buildings to the complex strains and thrusts
of the force generated by cyclones. |
Environmental impact:
Conventional housing consume large amounts
of energy and the greatest wastes arise from heating and cooling
them. Energy saving is the answer to reduce rising energy
costs and CO2 emissions. CO2 emission reduction up to 40%*
in the realisation of the building and up to 65%* during its
use makes Emmedue an excellent green alternative. |

Sustainability/ Energy saving:
The EMMEDUE® system reduces
the energy consumption and favours those strategies aiming
at sustainable development.
Rapid installation:
Several experiences prove a remarkable shortening
of the time of realization as for the constructions carried
out with EMMEDUE® |


EMMEDUE® products can be
easily associated with other construction elements, such as
wooden roofs and pre-stressed, brick or slab floors, and can
even be utilised with plasterboard walls. They can be used
in conjunction with any type of finish available on the market
and can be adapted to all types of doors and windows. |
Information sourced from www.en.mdue.it
EMMEDUE® Mobile Plant is
a "turnkey" solution that makes it possible to transport, install
and start up an Emmedue production plant anywhere in the world;
this solution is particularly ideal for large construction projects
in remote areas, or where issues with logistics may prevent the
installation of traditional plants.
Information sourced from Emmedue corporate website. |