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Homes of Hope Caribbean - Community Disaster Mitigation
Community in which we live could be exposed to hazards which could make
us face and have to learn to cope, with emergency situations.
At such times, we have to be prepared to respond to the larger needs
of the community and to be organized and attend to the Information and
education needs of all members of the community. This has to be done independently
from the assistance received from outside the community itself so as to
self-empower resident’s recovery and encourage community wellness.
Step 1: Panic ( 3 seconds)
Step 2. Un Panic ( 3 seconds)
Step 3: Implement the plan.
The participation and coordinated efforts of all members of the community
are necessary to the development of a feasible and workable recovery plan.
To do this, we need to
• Identify and locate Hazards to the Community
• Assess Community Vulnerability;
• Create a Plan of Action
• Test and Evaluate the Community Plan.
It is imperative that we know and understand the Hazards to which our
individual community is exposed.
HAZARD: the presence of a phenomenon, natural or man-made that can threaten
a group of people, their activities and their environment.
Natural Hazards include:
Volcanic Eruptions
Human – Action (man-made is gender biased therefore
politically incorrect) hazards include:
Forest devastation and Fires;
Identification of the Hazards helps determine which
one poses the most threat to the community!!!
To do this, it is necessary to know:
1) The characteristics of the area regarding Social, Cultural,
Economic or Religious organizations and the organization’s status
( GOs, NGOs, FBOs).
2) To know the causes, the possible consequences and the ways to avoid
or reduce the effects of the Hazards.
3) To know the history of the facts that have caused emergencies previously,
their frequency and the measures utilized to alleviate their impact.
We can’t forget the situations we have faced in
the past as the lessons learned are invaluable in teaching us to cope
the crises of the future. In order to cope effectively, it is important
to exchange experiences and information with the technicians from the
different institutions that serve our communities.
These include:
CDERA, CERO, NERO, Red Cross, Fire Service, Police Force, Salvation Army,
Churches, Health Centers, Hospitals and Military Organizations.
'Extracts from Community Emergency Plan' CDERA