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Hope Housing Caribbean - Affordable Housing
Photographs compliments of www.en.mdue.it

Hope Housing Caribbean seeks to
provide low-cost house by building and rehabilitating houses,
using volunteer labor and Community efforts.
Hope Housing Caribbean has chosen the EMMEDUE
building system for our Affordable Housing Package. |
Long term we will be looking into providing innovative
housing finance opportunities by promoting financial solutions for
low-income families to improve their housing situations.
In addition to building homes, we are believing
God to develop a database of skilled volunteers who can help with
financial education workshops, rebuild areas affected by natural
disasters, and canvassing the need for a safe place for all Barbadian's
to live.
We believe that through the mobilization of Community,
Church and Mission volunteers with the help of God we can achieve
these goals.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), officially
known as Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development, are an intergovernmental set of aspiration Goals.
The document sets forth 17 goals designed to guide
global development over the next 15 years. Goal 11 calls on governments
to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient
and sustainable.” The first target under this goal states
that by 2030, the world must “ensure access for all to adequate,
safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums.”
Hope Housing Caribbean applaud the efforts of the
many individuals and organizations involved in creating the Sustainable
Development Goals and look forward to diving into the challenging,
one of the most critical is the increasing role that cities and
human settlements play in building a sustainable future.
We wish to see a Caribbean where everyone has access
to adequate and affordable housing. We feel this can be achieved
by introducing alternative building systems.