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RUII in Barbados 2007

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Children's prayer movement extends globally

Seen here the children of Barbados with Maureen Bravo lifting the world in a net of prayer.

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170 representatives of children's prayer networks from 50 nations gathered in Malaysia for a unique global consultation. It was a time to hear corporately from God and share experiences and strategies in encouraging children to become agents of transformation through prayer for their communities, nations and the world.

There seems to be a true prayer revival among children in many countries in the world. A move of prayer in an Indian children's home came after the girls there were challenged to read and memorise Bible verses, and God showed them the truth and reality of his Word. Children see remarkable answers to prayer, as God 'chooses the weak things of the world to shame the strong' (1 Corinthians 1:27), and He values children's humility, openness, eagerness and faith.

One of the organizers of the consultation said: "We were reminded of how strategic children's prayers can be, and that God uses their praises 'to silence the foe and the avenger' (Psalm 8:2). Children's prayer should not be limited to 'close-to-home' matters - we need to equip young people to pray for global issues such as politics, children at risk, HIV/AIDS and so on. As they take up the authority that God gives them, we will see amazing change. We were encouraged by stories of God raising up children regarded as the 'least' in society, turning their lives around as Christians support them, and using them powerfully in prayer."

Seen below the children of Barbados putting their hands to the net of prayer.

Children themselves were an integral part of the consultation, and the organizers stress that children should not be segregated from adults, but be fully recognized as part of the Body of Christ. They want to develop the children's prayer movement hand in hand with the existing prayer movement in all regions of the world



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