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The Intercessory Prayer Network of Central Florida

The vision of the Prayer Council is to mobilize, encourage and sustain movements of prayer that will unite the Body of Christ The vision of the Prayer Council is to mobilize, encourage and sustain movements of prayer that will unite the Body of Christ to seek God's Presence for the transformation of the greater Orlando area.

Intercessory Prayer Network of Central Florida

“Networking the Body of Christ for the Glory of God”
Resources Unlimited International
Maureen Carson Bravo
1566 Grace Lake Circle Suite # 100
Longwood, Florida 32750
407-332-7286 Work
407-810-4665 Cell
November 5, 2006

The Intercessory Prayer Network of Central Florida (IPNCF) is responding to critical needs at this hour! Besides the mandate to pray for our leaders, our nation and its people, we continually provide prayer covering for various ministries, events and outreaches that take place in our city. The message is clear, resounding: "Take your places on the wall”!

The vision of the IPNCF came in October 1996, at the first of what became 40 consecutive monthly Concerts of Prayer throughout the greater Orlando area (October 1996 through January 2000). For the last ten years, the members of the Intercessory Prayer Network of Central Florida have been providing a unique service to the Body of Christ in our region. When a call goes forth for prayer for a particular endeavor, the intercessors come together from all parts of the Central Florida area. We meet and intercede, and when the particular assignment / mission is complete, we resume our normal activities in our local congregations!

Over the years, some of the larger conferences held in Orlando that have been provided with this type of “on site” intercession during their gatherings are. The Orlando Festival with Luis Palau, Promise Keepers, National Association of Evangelicals, Global Pastors Prayer Summit, Women of Faith, The National Marketplace Prayer Summit, Godsmission, City Reach, Mission America, KidsGames... (just to name a few!)

Not only did these groups request on site intercession, but many times, asked that we be available to pray with their speakers and ministry leaders, as well as the participants. What an opportunity to touch the world by praying for those who are out there impacting it so powerfully through their ministries!

At this hour, the IPNCF is coming forth in a fuller measure...
* We are actively modeling and teaching about "The Changing Face of Intercession" - demonstrating
how pastors and intercessors can work together to benefit the "Church" in the city....and in the larger
arena...the Kingdom of God!
* We are blessed with a diverse pastoral advisory team (comprised of different Christian streams,
denominations, cultures and races) offering pastoral covering, care and validation.
* We are sending intercessory teams to cities, congregations and ministries throughout the State
of Florida...and around the train, mentor and encourage others in intercession, and further
develop Intercessory Prayer Networks globally.

There is a great need for concerted prayer for our city, state and nation; and I believe that will be accomplished as we work together. As the IPNCF and the IPNFL continue to call forth, train and unify intercessors in our Central Florida area and across the State, I am asking for your participation!

Would you be willing to "sow" one or two intercessors from your congregation to serve on the regional prayer team with those from the other congregations in this area?

When a call goes out for service, we want many more people who are ready to respond, to work and pray together, reflecting the true unity of the BODY! Also, if you want to start an intercessory prayer team for your congregation/ministry, we can help. Just ask! Finally, please consider joining our pastoral advisory team. We would love to have you with us.
Your sister and servant,
Maureen Bravo

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