There is much work to do everywhere in this world,
but I have been sensing a special call to your region at this
hour in our history. The Lord gave me a word for the Caribbean
a little over four years ago. When asked to go to Barbados, what
the Lord had shown me came flooding back. --- God's eyes are scanning
the Caribbean. He is sending His servants - with an "anointing
of love" - throughout the island nations, to prepare His
people to release the love, devotion and worship that has been
stored up...love that is due Him! He will receive it joyfully
from His children dwelling there, and cause it to resound throughout
the region. |
Think of it! Just imagine what
it would sound like to hear the song of the Lord being released
from Barbados and every one of the islands of the Caribbean!
(Father, set Your children free.... so they can delight Your
I am excited about possibilities to serve in Barbados.
These areas are especially close to my heart:
1- networking with the believers and congregations
in the parishes; meeting with those whom you are currently nurturing,
and seeing how we can further integrate, unify, encourge, equip and
strengthen them for what is ahead;
2- meeting with leaders in the governmental, educational and marketplace
arenas, hearing their hearts about their nation and its future, and
praying for them and their ability to speak into and impact Barbados
for the KINGDOM;
3- ministering to the hurting, wounded and "marginalized"...wherever
we encounter them.
We are coming to speak His LOVE and LIFE into every
part of your communuity. We will be networking with those from several
congregations, and ministering wherever we are needed, supporting
the ongoing work of the Body of Christ on the island. We intend to
help build HIS church, not a ministry for ourselves.
Our mandate is to help further unify believers, to encourage, equip
and network intercesssors, and call forth intimate, corporate worship
of God over Barbados. This will create a "net of prayer",
or prayer network, in which the island can be lifted up to God. As
He is glorified, the forces of darkness will begin to lose their control
/ power over the people, as they are rendered ineffective, they can
be served notices of eviction and displaced from the influence they
once had.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts about any prayer mobilization
that is now taking place, as well as the overall prayer movement.
I pray we can come alongside you and others in the island ministries
and congregations, to flow together for God's purposes.
Yes, Lord! Give us Your strategies
and let us be instrumental in facilitating Your plans!
God is amazing, isn't He? The love He has for each of us is so profound
that He makes a way and establishes KINGDOM CONNECTIONS when we are
simply willing to go and do as HE says! His timing is perfect, and
I thank HIM for it.
May He bless you...and your nation...anew today!
Please pray for this
Contact details:
Maureen Carson Bravo
1566 Grace Lake Circle Suite # 100 Longwood, Florida
Tel: 407-332-7286 Work 407-810-4665 Cell
Email: maureen@ruii.org