Harvey Vale Primary overlooking the beautiful Tyrell
Bay. The principal Ms. Cleopatra Labart kindly showed us around her
delightful school, starting with the primary class.
Click on the 'School twinning' dropdown below to visit other schools
on Carriacou.
What a joy to meet these lovely children, what a privilege to be
in a position to try and help them as they face an influx of an additional
30 pupils from their sister island Grenada.
1. Furniture - 50 chairs and tables
2. Chalk board paint
3. Food items for our School Feeding Program
4. Bristol board and markers -all colours
5. Sponges for bed - foam
6. Used toys
Our intermediate List
1. Refurbishment of school building
2. Proper toilet facilities
Our long term list
1. Fencing of school property
2. Computer lab with about 10 computers