Bon Repos Orphanage
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Bon Repos 'Clean Water for Haiti'

UCT Founder, Jenny Tryhane traveled to Haiti in January 2008 with sponsorship enabling a young man from Bon Repos to join the three people from Jacmel at Clean Water for Haiti for their one week training program.

Seen here the mould being packed up on the tap tap enroute to Bon Repos.

Seen here the mould being packed up on the tap tap en route to Bon Repos.

Praise be to God.

Click on pictures to enlarge.


Combermere school in Barbados collected US $500 towards purchasing BioSand Filters for schools in Haiti and we are trusting to be able to equip the schools in Bon Repos as well as Jacmel, St Marc, Goniave, Les Canes
BioSand Filters




BioSand Filters

UCT is researching the possibility of introducing a Sanitation and Hygiene promotion side by side with the introduction of the Bio Sand Filter Project. While the benefits of improved drinking water supply are evident, it is also true that the effects on health are multiplied several times if combined with improved sanitation and especially hygiene promotion.

Imagine .. being one of the 4,900 people per day dying of waterborne diseases!

What can we do to help?


All across Barbados, every month, on 'Child Awareness Day' the children of the Primary and Secondary Schools will be encouraged to bring a bottle of cold water to school instead of purchasing a bottle of soda. This will be a sign of solidarity with the children around the world that often times do not even have water to drink!

Seen here the children of Barbados who got involved in the Make Jesus Smile Christmas shoebox project - blessing the children of Haiti.

CLICK to see the orphans in Bon Repos receiving their gifts

The US $1 saved will be collected and donated to the UCT's Child Sponsorship Program established within the country being featured that month. UCT is committed to investing US $30 to producing a Biosand filter from our Bon Repos or Jacmel plant.

Seen here one of the two moulds and some of the UCT biosand water filters in the Yolander Thurvil Foundation orphanage in Bon Repos

Seen here one of the two moulds and some of the UCT biosand water filters in the Yolanda Thurvil Foundation orphanage in Bon Repos
BioSand Water Filters

Complying with two of the Millennium Development Goals -

  • Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among children under five
  • Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water
Seen here one of the two moulds and some of the UCT biosand water filters in the Yolanda Thurvil Foundation orphanage in Bon Repos

BioSand Water Filters are an adaptation of slow-sand filtration, designed for use at the household level. The filter removes water-borne bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and other organisms that cause diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, and amoebic dysentery. The filter also strains out the particles and organic matter that cause cloudiness, unpleasant taste, colour, and odour.

Special thanks to Clean Water for Haiti for training our personnel and enabling us to establish these two new production plants. 

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