Today crime, juvenile delinquency, broken families,
and overcrowded prisons overshadow many nation's productivity, ingenuity,
and prosperity. The reason for this decline is the lack of individual
character. Click to learn more about Character
Integrate Character
Into Learning and Life
America's schoolmaster, Noah Webster, said, "To
exterminate our vices is more important to the character and happiness
of our citizens than any other improvements in our system of education."
Teddy Roosevelt also realized the crucial need for character education:
"to educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace
to society." School violence serves as a reminder of what happens
when children and young adults do not receive a good moral foundation.
However, a school-wide focus upon character development has successfully
reduced improper behavior and instilled universal principles essential
to effective learning and student success.
Find the Best Character Program for Your School
A community-wide character program should provide
tools to saturate a whole community, from the classroom to the workplace.
This approach reinforces parental involvement and ensures character
education in the classroom harmonizes with character education in
the family. A character education program should contain the following
- clearly defined and illustrated character qualities,
- an emphasis upon personal responsibility and
practical commitments,
- examples of each character quality being used
in real-life situations,
- a structure that promotes character as something
that is "caught" as well as taught (e.g., through mentorship),
- integrated character training in public and private
schools at every level.
Reinforce Character in the Family:
Character in schools strengthens the entire community
and it's families by…
- facilitating a culture of character that will
encourage children and young adults to make right decisions,
- training children in character from a young age,
- encouraging parents to deepen character training
in the home with the take-home resources provided.
Character First!® Education
Student cooperation. A positive learning environment.
High academic achievement. Does this sound like your school? It
Character First!® Education website can tell you more, or you
can call the Character First!® Education office: 405-815-0001
Education Training
For a community-wide character initiative to succeed,
it must reach into the schools and provide students with positive
The Character First! Education program and curriculum enables school
staff and students to enhance the effectiveness of education, help
students understand the role of character in their success, and
provide resources and tools for school administrators and teachers
to use as they develop a culture of good character in their institutions.
Across the nation and around the world, teachers,
parents, and principals have reported the difference character is
making in the lives of their students.
- Increased student cooperation
- Improved school safety
- Reduced disciplinary problems
- Enhanced learning environment
- Increased academic achievement
- Greater staff unity
- Improved family harmony
Share the vision for character education with the entire
faculty through faculty in-service training. This training equips
your staff to begin and maintain a character emphasis.
Involve the community in your character emphasis.
Volunteer training gives practical ways for high school mentors
and others in the community to encourage character in elementary-age
to view video
Soursed from The
Character First!® Education website
United Caribbean Trust is excited about this new
dynamic character training programme and we are seeking God's face
for clarity on how we can be of assistance in extending this programme
into the schools and Community Centres throughout Barbados and eventually
the Caribbean including our base in Haiti.
May God's will be done throughout the Caribbean.