How wonderful to
be able to share the Good News of Salvation with the children
from Hope Child Care Centre.
Heaven is a free
Gift....it is not something you work for or deserve.
CLICK to learn more.
What a delight
to be able to worship with our children for the very last
as we prepared to leave Africa and return to Barbados.
To be able to pray for them,
break generational curses and negative word curses spoken
over their lives.
And speak positive blessings
into their lives.
CLICK to learn more.

Types of Sponsorship Programmes Available
We currently offer two types of sponsorship
programmes within the Africa Child Sponsorship.

One is for orphans living at
The Hope Child Care Centre called the "Hope Child
Care Centre Sponsorship" this
is divided into three care packages:
- Educational Care Package
- Nurture Care Package
- Sustainable Agriculture Care Package

And one for the orphans living
in the surrounding community called "The Community
Sponsorship” this is divided into:
- A full sponsorship
- A partial sponsorship
Hope Child Care Centre Sponsorship

In Uganda, 57% of children finish Primary
School and only 18% have the chance to attend Secondary School.
· US $50 per month pays for school fees. There
are 3 school terms per year at approximately US$200.00 per term. |
US $50
per month:
· Pays for one basic meal a day (children
are given lunch at school)
· Pays for a stipend for a house mother.
She helps with: general care of children; cooking a meal;
laundry; cleaning of living premises


· Pays for a school uniform and school shoes
· Pays for a back pack with school
books and pencils
- Sustainable Agriculture Care Package

US $50 per month:
· Pays for core livestock (chickens, rabbits
and goats). These will provide meat, eggs and milk for
the entire child care centre |
· Pays for the cultivation of vegetables on 1 1/2 acres
of land behind the orphanage to feed the centre and planting
of Moringa
trees which feeds the livestock and provides a nutrition
supplement for the children.
· Pays for a stipend for a person
to care for the animals and cultivation of the land

CLICK on the photos below to meet the orphans
that are for sponsorship at the Hope Child Care Centre
The Community Sponsorship
FULL SPONSORSHIP: US $50 per month:
There are three distinct areas of sponsorship for
the orphans living in the Community similar to the ones within the
Hope Child Care Centre. We have put these into three care packages.
(See Hope Child Care Sponsorship above)
- Educational Care Package
- Nurture Care Package
- Sustainable Agriculture Care Package
· Pays to assist the guardian of the child with school supplies
or personal toiletries and clothes.
· Enables the orphan to come to the Hope
Child Care Centre on Saturday to attend our Hope
PowerClub and enjoy a meal and social interaction and recreation
with the other orphans.


to view the community girls for sponsorship |
to view the community boys for sponsorship |
The Jack and Ethel Special Uganda School (JESUS) Complex.
CLICK on the picture below
to meet Joy.

Joy's grandparents started
the Jack and Ethel Educational Centre. Her mother died in
child birth when Joy was only 7 months old. She was born mentally
and physically challenged with Cerebral Palsy. Earlier this
year her father died of AIDS. Joy is now an official orphan,
cared for by her aunt Edith.
We are challenged to help establish The Jack
and Ethel Special Uganda School (JESUS)
Complex within the grounds of the property, a school for
special needs children. |
Hope House - Drop in Centre and Rehabilitation unit for
street children.
We are believing God to be able
to establish a Drop in Centre for street children in Kampala,
Uganda within the grounds.
Hope House will be a place of refuge, a rehabilitation
centre for children who are found living on the streets. |

Bank: FirstCaribbean
International Bank
Bank Address: Warrens, Barbados
Account Name: United Caribbean
Trust/Project Hope
Account No: 1001122524
Intermediary Bank: Wells Fargo
United Caribbean Trust/Project Hope
P O Box 5123
St. Michael
to return to Hope Child Sponsorship page