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CARIBBEAN TRUST-Caribbean Mitigation Workshops
Setting up an Organizational Workshop
Design an initial organizational workshop
• Who should be invited?
• What is the optimum number of participants?
• How should they be contacted and by whom?
• How much background information on mitigation will need to be
• What other information will participants need to make a decision
about getting involved in community-based mitigation programs?
• What instructional and other materials/equipment will be needed
and how will we obtain them?
• Where should the workshop be held?
• Who should facilitate?
• How long should the workshop last?
• Where should the workshop be held?
• What time of day would be best for the participant group?
• What kinds of interactive exercises and group participation activities
will help bring the group together and understand the key messages?
• What is the desired outcome?
• What are the next steps after the organizational workshop? Community-based
Pre-Disaster Mitigation for CBOs/FBOs
Expanding the Network
Brainstorm the following:
Once our group is organized, how do we expand our network?
Review Ideas for Expanding Your Mitigation Network.
Ideas for Expanding Your Mitigation Network
1. Ask people in your organization and other CBOs/FBOs if there are groups
with which they would like to work on a mitigation activity. For example,
in a larger community, perhaps several houses of worship of one denomination
might enjoy having their youth groups work together.
2. Consider setting up a core team with membership from multiple groups
to keep the concept of mitigation alive in the community and coordinate
multi-group activities.
3. If CBO members are also FBO members, ask them to engage their FBO in
mitigation activities, and vice versa.
4. Ask CBO/FBO leaders who get involved in mitigation programs to help
carry the message to other groups, for example, speaking at a CBO luncheon
meeting, or visiting a FBO class to give an informal talk.
5. Contact individuals from nearby communities that have succeeded in
community-based mitigation programs. Ask them what kind of groups they
included in their program. Solicit their help in sharing information with
your local CBOs/FBOs.
6. Seek to bring together CBOs and FBOs that may not normally work together.
Consider organizing a special event to engage these groups.
Sourced from FEMA