Women of Excellence and Empoerment Ministries Registered Charity 767
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Deliverance in the City Crusade

The purpose of this ministry is to unit all women of Church of God and by extension the body of Christ; in one aim, purpose and vision, as we strive to:

  • Promote excellence
  • Provide spiritual support and
  • Increase the bond of sisterhood and fellowship through meaningful activities, programs and outreach ministries.

Our Mission is to encourage women of all ages, social backgrounds and status, to experience God in a way that would empower them to be the best Christian women that God intended them to be, as they seek to understand their purpose and fulfill their destiny in the divine will and plan of God.


Our first Retreat in April 2002, began with only thirty (30) women from the seven (7) churches which collectively make up the Central Zone of the New Testament Church of God – Barbados, but through divine direction, denominational walls have been penetrated and demolished and in each subsequent Conference we’ve been blessed to have sisters from other denominations whom we have embraced and included in our program.
Our focus is not denomination but ‘kingdom reality’. Our objective is not ‘personal agenda’, but to carry out the mandate given to us by Christ Himself, which is, ‘to know Christ and to make Him known holistically to all. Our goal is not merely socialization but primarily to see God’s Daughters empowered through the spoken Word and anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit as lives are not just ‘tickled’ but transformed by Almighty God.
We believe that ‘eyes have not seen, neither have ears heard, neither can hearts conceive or comprehend what God has in store for us through these ‘Women Of Excellence Spiritual Caribbean Conferences, but we humbly submit to His Lordship and continue to anticipate the inevitable, supernatural, intervention of God - we live in expectancy of His miraculous manifestations.

Andrea Harris
Zone President & Conference Co-ordinator

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