Topics to be covered include:
- Deliverance
- Inner Healing
- Trauma therapy
- Schizophrenia
- Recognising cults/ occult and signs
- Recognising mediums of Satan
- Territorial Spirits
- Demonic possession
- Closing the doors to attack
- Soul ties and Soul bonding
- Lodges
This two week programme will include within the
first week 6 three hour morning sessions of theory and 6 afternoon
practical training with a mentor and under the supervision of Rev.
Dr. Singh.
The second week once all the theory has been covered
will include several short mission trips into the interior for the
practical demonstration of deliverance ministry and soul saving.
Prices are being calculated and will shortly be
published, it is hoped that the first of many such trips will commence
during the summer holidays in mid August 2006 thus enabling teachers
to attend these valuable sessions.
Suriname Deliverance Workshop
C/O Deliverance Church of Jesus Christ
Molenpad 52 Paramaribo
Suriname South America
TEL: (597) 483704