It has been said that here in Barbados, the number one cause of
death is abortion. That is, most deaths these days in Barbados do
not come from heart disease and chronic non-communicable diseases,
but rather, many aborted ones make up the staggering numbers. Death
statistics here on the island do not take into account abortions,
but abortions in Barbados have become somewhat commonplace with
the number one abortion provider being that of The Barbados Family
Planning Association (BFPA).
Sadly, this practice will continue and become even more accepted
because the laws of the land do not see the unborn child as a person.
The termination of pregnancy policy of Barbados allows an abortion
on the following grounds: to save the life of the woman; to preserve
physical health; to preserve mental health; rape or incest; foetal
impairment; and economic or social reasons. Many teenagers in Barbados,
teens and young adults can fit many of the pre-requisites. What
is not taken into consideration often times however is the guilt,
shame and self-hatred many females face after such a procedure.
The aftermath of this course of action, more often than not, is
nothing short of devastating.
Moses Basket & The Life Centre will provide alternatives
for women who see abortion as their only option which includes:
practical, emotional and spiritual assistance in support of
choosing life for their baby;
life and parenting skills training;
family counselling;
offering guardianship of babies;
living assistance through duration of pregnancy and up to 3
months following if required;
job placement program;
providing mothers with basic new born supplies and needed items.