The first
thing to do is ensure that all family members are safe... Take account
that an emergency to some persons is unexpected and they react differently.
Assess the damage to the house
Do not touch broken cables
Do not smoke inside the house or use an open flame until you make
sure there are no inflammable substances
Contact the emergency committee in your community
Do not be curious and go to other areas which have been affected
It is clear that in the case of a fire you have to evacuate the house
but in other types of emergencies it depends on a number of factors...
Possible area of protection in the house
The dangers in the areas that surround the house
Time needed to go to a safe place
How to leave in a safe and orderly manner
Taking into account special needs of members of the family (babies,
elderly or disabled)
Decide before hand where to meet, how to get in touch with each
other if one of you is not at home when the emergency strikes.