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Queens College Secondary School

Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009

Thanks to Queens College Secondary School that made a great effort to pack the Easter 2009 Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes for the Maroons in Suriname.

Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
The Maroons created their own independent communities which in some cases have survived for centuries and until recently remained separate from mainstream society. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Maroon communities began to disappear as forests were razed, although some countries, such as Guyana and Suriname, still have large Maroon populations living in the forests. Recently, many Maroons have moved to cities and towns as the process of urbanization accelerates.< Read more>
The Maroons in Suriname
These shoeboxes filled with a selection of new and used toys and games will be taken over to Suriname after Easter by Jenny Tryhane Founder of UCT and will be taken into the interior for two Children's Outreach parties. Using the Kids EE program to bring the Salvation message.
Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009

Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
Queen's College is a public secondary school in Barbados that was established in 1883. It is a multi-racial school with students drawn from a wide cross-section of the Barbadian community. It comprises eleven departments in which approximately thirty-three subject areas are taught
Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
Queens College Secondary School in Barbados pack Easter Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes  Easter 2009
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