first outreach was to Malawi, the country know as the Warm Heart of Africa.
Having met the Administrative Bishop of Malawi the previous year, it was
only fitting that we extend our Mission of Hope ministry to him and the
church in Africa, Our first outreach was a success as we say God working
His divine plan through us. we conducted seminars where Pastors and leaders
were equipped for the ministry. We also conducted open-air meetings and
shared the gospel as we went door to door as the Holy Spirit brought conviction
to many hearts. During the day we conducted sessions on personal hygiene
and self-improvement. It is interesting to note that on this trip, the
church at Blantyre (the commercial capital of Malawi) due to a church
split had a membership of eight persons, God through the Holy Spirit spoke
through us and gave world of encouragement. Today the church has a large
membership and they are doing well for the Lord. We also assisted the
brethren with food items, clothes, toiletries and money. There were six
team members on this trip, and for one week we worked on construction
of the church building at Dezda.
We had identified this area as a place where God wanted a church constructed.