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Dear Friends,
This is what God is asking, “What do you SEE?”
Your VISION is very important. Our eyes allow us to see
what is in front of us – not only what is immediately in front of
us, but what can be seen miles and miles away.
Each one of us should have a Personal Vision for our lives.
Just as with our natural eyesight, we need to have a vision of the Present
- which is immediately before us; as well as for the distant Future -
which is seemingly years and years away.
It is important to develop goals in life. What are you
working towards? How do you “see” your future?
Without goals, you will drift aimlessly. You will not
achieve all that you possibly could. It is the difference between mediocrity
and excellence.
How do you create a Personal Vision for yourself?
In Habakkuk 2:2 KJV, we are
urged to “write the vision, and make it plain on tables,
that he may run that readeth it.”
My first suggestion would be to pray and ask God to give
you a Priority List. God will let you know what you are to FOCUS on in
your life. You may be surprised at some of the things that He tells you.
Write them down in order.
For example:
This is a list to always keep in mind. Life can become
very demanding, and your time can become limited. You need to line up
how you are spending your time against the Priority List that God has
given you. This will help you from being distracted unnecessarily.
After God gives you His Priority List, you should then
sit down and ask God what are the next steps you are to take to accomplish
all that He has for you.
For example, suppose one of your Priorities is “Business”.
What area of business has He called you into? How are you going to achieve
that? Do you need to take some courses to be qualified in this particular
area? To succeed at anything takes time and effort.
Your goals can be divided into 3 categories – short-term,
medium-term and long-term.
Short-term goals are
immediate. For example, you could be doing a 3 month computer course.
Or you could be saving up for a holiday overseas.
Medium-term goals are a bit longer. This
may be 3 years or 5 years into the future. You may decide to buy a piece
of land, and it may take 5 years to pay for it. Or you may to study a
4 year course at University to get your degree.
Long-term goals obviously are further
into the future. 20 years from now, you would like to have paid off for
your own home. Or you may make wise financial investments so that you
can retire early. Or you may have worked to establish a business so that
your children can have a future.
Planning, accompanied by constantly LISTENING to God for
His Direction, are integral to the success of your vision. God wants your
life to be personally fulfilling. He knows exactly what will give you
personal satisfaction in your life. After all, He made you. He gave you
your special giftings to accomplish His Purpose in you, and through you.
I hope that you will take the time to pray and listen
to God regarding His Plan for your future. Develop your vision. You may
not understand every step of the way that God is showing you, but take
each step by Faith. He knows what He is doing, and you will love being
able to please Him every day.