Most houses are made of unpainted
wood, that are weathered gray. Some houses still have a mud
floor, but those that have done better may have a wooden floor,
or vinyl floor covering. |
The children were excited to
receive their gifts. Some children sang, "We've got underwear"..."we've
got underwear", in their local dialect, called Taki-Taki.
The word "taki" means "talk"
in English. |
Alisha later told me that "three
pairs of underwear will go a long way", and that it was
common to walk through the communities and see children running
around naked. |
Some parents thanked us. I felt
a lot of joy to bless these children, and this was as the Holy
Spirit said, "the Joy of Giving". |
One afternoon, Alisha and I had
to go out with boots on, as the area was wet from the rain.
It becomes very muddy around the houses. |
Makeshift bridges
are made from tree trunks or planks of wood. The wild grass
is overgrown. One particular house we visited was swamped
with water all around it. |
Sometimes you actually have
to GO to these places to appreciate the conditions that other
people live in.
I plan to go back again next year with more
underwear packs, as this is needed. |
One evening, a mother wanted to
give me her baby. The father of the child had deserted them.
She had other children to care for, and was finding it very
hard. This shows how desperate people can become, that they
would give away their baby so that it could have a better life. |
I also had the pleasure of seeing
my two girls that I sponsor on a monthly basis - Soeliana
and Indra. (Seen here Indra and Soeliana below)
Both are eight years old now. Soeliana's mother
showed me her school report and she is doing well. Soeliana
missed her first year of school at age six, as there were
not enough places for children in the schools, and so some
do not get to go. Another school is needed in this area. |
On this trip, I also had discussions
with Pastor Cheryl about creating an "Egg Fund".
(Seen here the existing chicken coop) |
We would enclose an area of land in her
backyard, build a large chicken coop to hold about one hundred
layer chickens.
(Seen here members of the church helping
to clear the land in preparation.)
The profits from the sale of these
eggs would be split 50/50 -half would supplement the Oron's
and Alisha's income, as they would be doing the work, and the
other half would be used to assist the children where needed
for school clothes, school supplies, and food. |
As I am writing this, the fence
has been erected and painted, and the foundation of the first
chicken coop is to be cast.
My goal is to share the Love of
Jesus with these children; to bring HOPE in the midst of poverty,
and to improve the quality of their lives. |
Many thanks to those who contributed
to the Underwear Packs!
Your help is greatly appreciated. |
Donations of NEW UNDERWEAR for girls and boys,
from baby to 12 years old.
Contact Kim
Email: kimddts@caribsurf.com