Partial obedience is disobedience. This is when we only
partially obey God’s specific instruction to us. For example,
God has told you to put $20.00 in the offering, and you only put
in $10.00.
Delayed obedience is disobedience. Usually
when God indicates for something to be done we must do it within
the given time. For example, if the offering is being collected
and God instructs you to give $10.00, and you have that in your
pocket, you must give it right away. God may ask you to make a financial
contribution towards the purchase of new chairs for the sanctuary,
and He would expect that contribution to be given in a short period
of time. He may ask you to clean the windows at the Church, and
He would expect it to be done in a reasonable time frame. He does
not expect us to dilly-dally unnecessarily on His instructions.
God may ask you to write a book, or make a CD of worship music,
and common sense would tell you that it would take a bit longer
to complete these projects. We must remember that timing is important.
Noah did all that God commanded him when he built
the ark. God gave Noah specific instructions to follow. He was told
the size of the ark, how many decks it would have, to coat it in
pitch inside and out and so forth. (Gen. 6:13-22)
Because of Noah’s obedience to God, the lives
of his family were saved, and he had all the animals needed to replenish
the earth. If Noah had decided only to build two decks instead of
three, the ark would not have been able to hold all the different
species of animals inside. If he had been lazy, and took his cool
time to build the ark, then he and his family may have perished
in the flood. However, Noah did all that God “commanded”
him (Gen. 6:22 NIV). Through Noah’s obedience, all that God
wanted to accomplish was accomplished.
God also expects us to be obedient to Him with a
good attitude. Your attitude is important. We are to obey Him cheerfully…
not grumbling and complaining. God does not expect a half-hearted
response from us. In Deuteronomy 6:5 NIV,
we are commanded to “love the Lord your God with
all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”
God expects whole-hearted service from us. He expects
COMPLETE OBEDIENCE. There is no room for compromise.
If we expect to receive God’s very best in our lives, we must
give to Him our very best too.
This is how we love God with all that is within
us, by offering Him complete obedience and whole-hearted service.