Africa Prayer Mountain for All Nations
Permission requested to use information from
a hill, about seven miles from thecapital Kampala along the route
to Uganda's International airport Entebbe is the "Africa
Prayer Mountain for All Nations". It is a nice and quiet
piece of land that has a natural light forest in which light game
still exist e.g. bucks, monkeys, African squirrels etc.
Africa Prayer Mountain For All Nations, is a vision
that was given to John Mulinde, birthed through thanksgiving to God
for what He did in answering prayers during the troubled years under
Iddi Amin and Dr. Milton Obote’s regime. Prayer Mountain was
established in 1999 by World Trumpet Mission, in cooperation with
partnering nations, and officially dedicated to the purpose of unceasing
prayer for the nations of the world by Uganda's First Lady Mrs. Janet
Museveni in January 2001. Visitors from more than 40 nations have
already come to pray at Prayer Mountain.
The vision for this 80-acre venture features three
wings: (1) prayer, (2) humanitarian ministries, (3) income generation
to support Kingdom work. Currently the project has 80 acres, and structures
include a central meeting hall and block of offices, a tent village
and special retreat area for pastors. A hall for intercessors is under
construction and missionary training school facilities are in a planning
The programs on Prayer Mountain include daily lunch-hour
services and weekly Friday all-night prayers attended by over 1,000
people from many Churches and denominations. Pastors and leaders,
church and intercessory networking groups come for prayer and retreats.
Visitors can stay in tents up to 2 weeks at a time and over 200 people
per month are regularly using these facilities.
Everyone visiting Prayer Mountain in Sseguku is most
welcome, and should register at the Prayer Mountain offices on arrival.
You may use an available tent and mattress (limited
number and available at Ush 1000 per night) or you can bring your
own. Groups that wish to stay on the mountain overnight should contact
Nathan Kibiike in advance, at 075 808053. Groups may arrange for one
large tent at a lower rate per person. Children are welcome on the
mountain during the day, but those under the age of 10 are not permitted
to stay overnight. The maximum length of stay for a person on the
mountain is 30 consecutive nights.
There are two departments on Prayer Mountain. A chaplain,
Br. Stephen Nkambwe, heads the spiritual department. An administrative
assistant, Nathan Kibiike, heads the estates department. Still in
process, plans for the mountain include the construction of a fence
around the perimeter, payment of squatters, and rehabilitation of
the auditorium. If possible we also desire to contribute in fixing
the road coming up to the mountain.
Currently there is need for more tents and small mattresses
on the mountain. If you would like to donate a tent, a donation of
Ush 150,000 (90 US$ each) will allow purchase of one, or you may purchase
one for the same amount directly from Uchumi stores or Game supermarket
in Kampala, and donate it to the mountain. The mattresses cost Ush
20,000 (12 US$ each). Make your donation directly to the finance office
of WTM, or to Nathan Kibiike at Prayer Mountain.
May God bless you!