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Suriname child sponsorship

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.
Do not say to your neighbor, 'Go, and come again, tomorrow I will give it' -
when you have it with you.
Proverbs 3:27-28

Suriname child sponsorship

Suriname has an extensive educational system with free schooling compulsory until age 12.

There are however many children that go to school hungry, with no shoes or exercise books.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Suriname Bush Negroe children
Suriname Bush Negroe children
Kim Smith in partnership with United Caribbean Trust is therefore asking you to consider sponsoring a child in Suriname. You can make a great difference in the life of a child, by believing in them with prayer and financial support.
Kim Smith in partnership with United Caribbean Trust is therefore asking you to consider sponsoring a child in Suriname.

Click to sponsor a child 'Aloe Swirl' 'Day Dreaming' Contact Kim Smith

Seen here the shoeboxes arriving at Tjaikondre having travelled up the Suriname River.

In Easter 2009 Kim joined a team with United Caribbean Trust and took the Make Jesus Smile shoebox project into Suriname again, this time into the interior, to bless the Maroon children.

Seen here the shoeboxes arriving at Tjaikondre having traveled up the Suriname River.

Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes in Suriname
Kim distributing the Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes in Victoria
Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes in Suriname
Hundreds of Maroon children gave their lives to Jesus as the Gospel was presented in song and drama.

Hundreds of Maroon children gave their lives to Jesus as the Gospel was presented in song and drama.

Praise be to God.

Click to visit Victoria
Click to visit Tjaikondre
Click to visit Brokoponda
As the children received their Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes they were photographed and documented and web pages created to establish the Child Sponsorship Program.

As the children received their Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes they were photographed and documented and web pages created to establish the Child Sponsorship Program.

Click on the pictures to visit their web page and learn how you can sponsor these children.

Your financial help of US $30 per month is greatly needed.

What will your contribution achieve?


As the children received their Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes they were photographed and documented and web pages created to establish the Child Sponsorship Program.

Suriname Bush Negroe children Part of the donation will go towards Education helping with school uniforms, shoes, books and pencils etc.
To assist with purchasing non-perishable food and toiletries.
Child Sponsorship
After School Kinder Club.

It is our vision that eventually this will assist in funding the After School Kinder Club.

This will include a church feeding, music, character building and evangelical teaching programmes

CLICK to sponsor a baby girl
CLICK to sponsor a girl under 4 years
Girl over 11 years
CLICK to sponsor a baby boy
CLICK to sponsor boy under 4 years
CLICK to sponsor a boy under 11 years
CLICK to sponsor a boy over 11 years


First Caribbean International Bank Bds Ltd

Super Centre Complex, Warrens

St. Michael, Barbados

Account number 1000431831


Email united_caribbean@yahoo.com


Name of bank: RBTT Bank (Suriname) NV
Adress of bank: Kerkplein 1, Paramaribo, Suriname
Name of account: Stichting Evangelie Centrum Suriname
Account number: 1960.7282

A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

Proverbs 22:9

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