A delightful lunch meeting with Genevieve Lucus the mother
of David Roberts, the Marketing consultant, from the Caribbean
Development Trust in London inspired us to seek assistance from the
Roman Catholic church. Mrs Lucus a devout Roman Catholic encouraged us
to meet with the Roman Catholic Bishop of Georgetown.
Dr. Ken Khan
of Barbados recommended a meeting with Mr. Raymond Shaw, Technical
Director of Communications Inc who arranged the meeting with the Bishop
on our behalf. His Excellency Francis Alleyne OSB was very encouraging
and supportive of the concept of the Baby Survival Kits and encouraged
a meeting with Mrs Elaine Thomas of the Family Life Commission. |
The concept of a Caribbean hub being created in Guyana
for the collection of baby cloths and items needed for the kit that
would be stored and sorted by the churches and the students of the
Marian Academy prompted a meeting with Sister Barbara an Urceline
nun. |
This meeting was staged at the St Joseph convent
and Mr. Patrick McAndrew from the GCIFR was present. He is an ex Marian
Academy student and prepared to train the student in disaster mitigation
and incorporating the Baby Survival Kit into the Academy following
permission by Sister Marie who will be returning from her sabbatical
shortly. |
A meeting was held with the Secretary and Treasurer of
the Alicia Foundation Ms. Josephine Whitehead where the possibility of
the Alicia Foundation handling the funding and wholesale purchase of the
hardware for the Baby Survival Kits was approached.
An informal meeting with Patrick Walker the Caricom Secretariat
resulted in him suggested a meeting with Dr Eddy Green, unfortunately
we were unable to make this meeting. But UCT will make email contact to
see what assistance can be given.
A day off on Saturday as we visited the
home of Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine in Mahaica to witness the Foulis community
packing the food hampers for their local community. During distribution
we met a Guyanese British trained nurse Deo Persaud RGN who is doing
excellent work monitoring this community (Seen below with the Dr and
Jenny) |
Sunday was spent with Mr. Surendra Persaud MD
General Surgeon of St Joseph Mercy Hospital, two medical students,
Deo and a wonderful group of community leaders from Foulis. Enabling
the team to monitor and treat over 140 residence at the Health Clinic
of this very badly damaged village. The main problems were diarrhea,
night fevers, eye and skin irritations and stress related symptoms.
Thanks to the Guyanese Association
of Barbados Inc that donated boxes of nappies and the local
Barbadian churches that sent down bags of baby cloths we were able
to hand out 21 packs to mothers of babies under 1 year, who were
very thankful. |
UCT was invited to join Guyana Citizens Initiative for
Flood Relief (GCIFR), as part of its ongoing work to minimize the impact
of the recent flood and influence the crafting of an improved future disaster
mitigation and management plan, on Tuesday, March 2, 2005 we met with
a team from the United Nations Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
(ECLAC). It was ECLAC’s second meeting with GCIFR since the beginning
of their assessment mission.and an interesting discussion with Michael
Hendrickson Associate Economic Affairs Officer was interested in hearing
about the UCT Caribbean hub concept to be introduced to Guyana and Trinidad
and suggested we contact him when on island.
An impromptu meeting over a cool drink resulted in meeting
with Barbados' musician Arturo Tappin who was holding a charity event
at a local Jazz club to raise money for the Alicia Foundation. He introduced
us to Kathy Shuffler from BWIA who was excited to hear about our work
and the possibilities of the 'working holidays' scheduled for
the UCT headquarters in Carriacou and the possibility of a similar venture
in Guyana.
Tony visited the Bishop of the Church of God and they
are keen to support and encourage any form of outreach and training that
we can partner with.
A meeting with Pastor Winston Assamait from the Assembly
of God was encouraging and we hope to be able to work in association with
their youth in the follow up that is so critical for any relief effort
Lastly but not least was the meeting with Rev. Justice
James Patterson, Senior Pastor of Jesus Deliverance Mission International.
James and his wife also a pastor of the church opened their home to us
as house guest and we are immensely grateful for their hospitality and
we look forward to an interesting and exciting partnering with them.
Thanks to all who made our trip such a success, the Guyanese
public are working tirelessly to assist with the recovery of their nation.
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